Bonjour. Hola. Hello.

Twenty-something (nearly Thirty-something) trying to document and share my adventures as I pursue travel and a career in the arts.

Rapport Hebdomadaire - Week 3

Rapport Hebdomadaire - Week 3

It's been a long time since my first day of school, but nothing has changed since kindergarten. You are eager to make a good first impression, and your brain races trying to think of all the details. Do I have all the paperwork I need? Is this shirt making the right impression? Do I have lipstick on my teeth?


As I made my way to Orientation Day at the Paris School of Business (PSB) on Friday, January 12th I bolstered my strength, attempted to set aside all my anxiety and was determined to not let my introverted nature get in the way of meeting new people. I was one of the first to arrive (typical), and was quickly branded with a name tag with my country's flag on it (not the ideal first impression, considering international views of America at this time and in the midst of the "sh*thole" scandal...). While no other members of the Masters in Arts and Cultural Management (MACAM) were present yet -  I quickly acquainted myself with other members from the other International Masters programs, there to focus on their MBA or other niche degrees like mine. Soon the rest of my cohort arrived, and all 150+ students from the January International Program Intake shuffled into the large conference room to begin the orientation program. With a mix of large and intimate sessions, I had the pleasure to begin to get to know my other classmates. I was immediately struck by how diverse our backgrounds were. As a producer, this greatly excites me as the opportunities for collaboration feel limitless. This potential, and the promising nature of my classes, greatly offset the only disappoint I have faced so far: the administrative side of Paris School of Business is at times disorganized in its scheduling, with students receiving conflicting schedules from our individual programs and the school itself. This has required students to maintain a keen and watchful eye, and to seek clarification from our helpful supervisor. While this has been workable, if you are seeking to work while in school - or even schedule outside activities - know that this program will require a great level of flexibility. I will keep you updated as to whether this is consistent throughout the year, or just a product of the intense January schedule.


I was warned during my interview process that the first month for the winter intake was going to be challenging, but I had no idea. My first week consisted of long lecture days with me being in class up to 13 hours a day with coursework in Financial, Strategic and Marketing Management. Compounded with homework and studying - at times I felt like I was ready to crumble under this sudden inundation of knowledge and work. On Tuesday, after sitting in class for 12 hours, on the train heading to a dance performance for my focus and bracing for an intense night of turning out 20 slides on the PEST analysis of RyanAir, I was ready to cry. But as I walked out of the metro at 8pm, I came face to face with a glowing Eiffel Tower.  I immediately thought - "How could I possibly be throwing myself a pity party when I am here in Paris?! Get it together Jessica!" But even with this new resolve of spirit, I physically felt like I had run a marathon by the time Friday rolled around. I did not get out much beyond simple errands. Yet all the same, I feel like I am in the right place at the right time in my life. I am bringing a range of professional experience in everything from accounting skills to the ability to turn out consultant-style powerpoint decks at rapid speeds - and I am finding that even after a week, these skills have only come into sharper focus. With only three more weeks of this intensive winter session to go, I look forward to building upon this foundation with new skills and richer understanding. And after all this - a good long nap! 

Highlight of the Week: Getting to use my Powerpoint skills - after working as an assistant at a consulting firm, I forgot what a fun and useful skill this is. (PS - My macro-analysis got picked to be shared with the class - and while not perfect, got high marks for design)

Challenge of the Week: Finding time to study French when my brain is already exhausted from school. Happy to accept any tips - leave in the comments below. 

Willkommen und Auf Wiedersehen - A Quick 36 Hours In Berlin

Willkommen und Auf Wiedersehen - A Quick 36 Hours In Berlin

Rapport Hebdomadaire - Week 2

Rapport Hebdomadaire - Week 2